


  • 分類:主營業務
  • 發布時間:2020-11-12 18:29:13
  • 訪問量:0


  The special-shaped building curtain wallis symbolically applied to high-end buildings such as super high-rise buildings, venue buildings and even landmark buildings.In the personalized architecturalengineering, the exterior protective walls with elliptic surface, broken line surface,paraboloid,hyperboloid orfree-form surface are collectively referred to as special-shaped curtain wall.Through thecombination of original ecological bionic principle and various metal materialelements, the architectsexpress the creativity of the special-shaped curtain wall, and integrate the building curtain wall with thelight steel structure technology to realize the building problems of the special-shaped curtain wallproject.with excellent anti-deformation performance and appearance performance, insulation, decorative performance is good, its own weight is light, heat insulation and can achieve light control, effective soundinsulation and so on.Through the special-shaped curtain wallto create a unique architecturalspace toenhance the visualimpact and appealof the building.



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